
Here are resources to help think about Flourishing Lives. You can chat with others about what your life, or the lives of people you support, is like. Some resources can be downloaded or printed in black and white or colour.

At the bottom of the page, click on ‘What is 10 minutes of Britney?!’ to see how to think a bit differently about your life.

There is also a 15 minute film about the research.

You can write down, draw or record your answers or thoughts and look at the resource again in three months, six months or a year.

How big is your life map

How big is my life illustration

How wide is your life

How wide is my life illustration

Below is a short film version of the Flourishing Lives Tour.

You can watch Angeli, Beth, Rebecca and Alan present the main findings from the research.

We suggest you watch the film with family, friends or support workers and chat about the key questions the team ask.

These are important questions for all of us!